**The Duet of Destiny: A Fable of Unexpected Connections**

On a moonlit night, the Divine Spark Café opened its doors to the unexpected, inviting listeners to dive into a fable that defies logic and reason. It was the twilight of 2018 in Cosmópolis, where melodies echoed through the streets, and I, Debbye Reys, wove songs under the spotlights.

After a night of applause, I shared the echoes of my voice through videos to friends and digital specters on WhatsApp. And then, like a whisper of destiny, a message from a stranger crossed the ether, questioning my essence. "Who are you?" asked the unknown voice. With the serenity of a sustained note, I revealed myself: Debbye Reys, the singer who had sent a fragment of her soul in the form of a video.

But here lies the enigma: how could he have appeared on my digital path if our existences had never intertwined? Chance was ruled out, for the universe conspires under the baton of a divine maestro. Thus, a friendship was born with Pierre Burton, a multifaceted artist whose voice crossed borders and seas to Barranquilla.

The mystery deepens: how could a transcontinental collaboration flourish? But when life smiles, we must dance to the rhythm of cosmic energies. Pierre Burton, in his homeland, recorded his melody, sending me the instrumental as an invitation for an overseas duet. In Brazil, my voice met his, and together, we created a symphony.

Today, Pierre Burton and Debbye Reys share a song that traverses YouTube, weaving a sonic tapestry for the world. And as I unveil this chronicle, I invite everyone to surrender to the magic of existence, for in the most unexpected moments, life can rewrite our story.


So, let yourselves be enchanted by our music, and let it be a reminder to Like, Share, and follow the whispers of destiny.

Gratitude and mystery,

Debbye Reys


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